Excerpts | Spotlight

Excerpt from ‘Girl with the Primrose Pin’

This novel excerpt was written by Charlene Wang in Ingrid Rojas Contreras’ 12-Month Novel Generator

and when she comes under the influence of her enigmatic art history professor. Girl with the Primrose Pin is a propulsive, chilling story of female friendship, power, and the ways we are beholden to the images we create.



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Buddha Belly

You’re doing it tooJust because you’re at a fancy college, getting your fancy degree for your fancy future finance job doesn’t mean you don’t have to play the game

Fifty Shades of Grey thought you were going to Tulane? Are you okay? Are you a virgin? Watch outhe’s taking advantage of you!



Hey Hannah!

Long time since things fell apart last summer. But I just wanted to drop a note saying that you’ve been crushing it lately! Growth is exponential. Seriously, super impressive. Love how you’re laying it bare, in such an impactful way. I had no idea you were going to Harkness. When you get a moment, let’s connect about opportunities, etc.

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Class of 1924, A+CTJW 54, 7-7-12



