Don’t Write Alone | Where We Write

As a Disabled Writer, I Am a Rich Innovator

When I am in pain, I stare out the windows and write about a world I am too sick to access. Creating in my office reminds me that though the world can wound, it is also a wonder.

This photograph shows the author's desk next to a window. Everything is clean and simple. The gray walls, white curtains, and a few potted plants give an air of calm and peace.
Photograph courtesy of the author

In this photograph, we see a slim book shelf, a wall hanging, and an armchair propped so that it can see out of a window
Photograph courtesy of the author

Halfway from Home

This photograph shows the author's dining room, which is again decorated cleanly and simply. A writing notebook sits askew on the table.
Photograph courtesy of the author

Halfway from Home

This photo is a close-up of the author's neatly-made bed, on which sits a notebook.
Photograph courtesy of the author

This photograph shows a bright blue sky with white fluffy clouds hanging above a healthy green lawn edged with trees. Two bright red chairs sit in the middle of the lawn.
Photograph courtesy of the author