Don’t Write Alone | Shop Talk

How to Apply for Grants and Residencies

As part of our Application Week series, Jasmine Dreame Wagner writes about putting together your strongest proposal to get funding for your work-in-progress.

the jury is most interested in the work sample and the story that you tell about the work that you do

who you arewhat you’re working onwhat you’ve accomplished in the pasthow that work forms a foundationwhere you’re headed

Remember: In your statement, you should introduce your work in a way that shows how the work is either a deepening of your previous practice and its themes or a new and interesting departure from your prior creations. Explain your ideas in a basic way, in language that a smart high school student could understand, and in a voice that also demonstrates your confidence. Be excited. Share your enthusiasm. It’s contagious.

new works grantsartist residencies

and to apply for support at the right moment