Catapult | Catapult Artist

On Art, Audience, and Activism: Brian Rea, Catapult Artist for October 2018

“If I see the sun come up once in a while, it makes me feel good, like I accomplished something no one else did.”

As part of our Catapult Artist program, Nicole Caputo, Catapults art director, sits with October’s #CatapultArtist for a conversation on art, creativity, and the artist’s life.

TimesDeath Wins A Goldfish

Illustration by Brian Rea for Catapult, as featured in Jenny Tinghui Zhang’s “In The Harsh Climate of Wyoming, I Learned to Listen to My Body”

Photograph courtesy of Brian Rea

Illustration by Brian Rea for Catapult, as featured in Katie Rose Pryal’s “Finding a World Big Enough for My Twice-Exceptional Kids”

Election Anxiety.f I can touch people emotionally, sometimes that can “burn” more, and maybe that affects some change in a viewer’s behavior or thinking.

Illustration by Brian Rea for Catapult, as featured in M. Leona Godin’s “Parting the Sea, and Why the White Cane is a Symbol of Power, Not Helplessness”

Photograph courtesy of Brian Rea

s on the schedule. Sometimes illustration and animation, sometimes painting. Other days, I do invoicing and estimates. I stay busy and mix it up to keep things fresh. I’m usually home by dinner, then I do more work once the lil’ guy goes down for the night. I love working late, when I can. If I see the sun come up once in a while, it makes me feel good, like I accomplished something no one else did. •

This interview has been edited for clarity.