There’s A Weight In Her Bag

There is a weight in her bag. A weight that pulls at her shoulder blades and squeezes the muscles in her neck. Why don’t you take that goddamn weight out of your bag? her friends say. She shrugs. I don’t know. It keeps me at the ready. It’ll ultimately make me stronger. There is a […]

Jan 3, 2016
December Walks

Lights will guide you home and ignite your bones. — Coldplay As the December night air hugs my skin tight, my feet mark the path that’s guided by lights.  Shimmering blurs accompany me on my walks. Bursts of color on my left. White flashes on my right; white that looks like gold, which looks like […]

Dec 21, 2015
Innocent Vibes

 huddled on the couch in the corner when it’s dark outside and our bellies are full from our plates of roasted chicken and potatoes and syrian meat pies, laham b’ajeen. white noise from the television screen, from chatter in the next room, from busy bodies roaming throughout the house. tradition’s roots run deep. time to […]

Nov 28, 2015
November Bones II

barren trees in a morning yellow light conjure: thanksgiving day at 11 am; groggy but alert but serene; parade floats on the television screen. jubilance as the sun sets; traditional melodies behind our lips and standing with mom in the kitchen; crying from onions, grating potatoes.  strolls on sunday afternoons, before we need shelter for our […]

Nov 12, 2015
Nonfiction | Goodbye to All That
Lines About What I Don’t Wanna Write About

Writing can be a double edged sword. It pours your guts onto the page, cathartically unleashing what you need to let go of. However. It can also grant life to those words. And what if you no longer wish to give those lines such life? Such power and fuel. What then? *** I’m consciously choosing […]

Nov 5, 2015
November Bones

When August sees its final days, many succumb to autumn’s gravitational pull.  I once attempted to dissect why.  I’m going to dig deep, I told my friends, half serious, half amused. I’m going to write an article, with a psychology angle, as to why people go crazy for autumn. I mean, what is it? And […]

Nov 2, 2015
The Spirit Animal

Its black legs tickle her forearm.  Go back inside, baby, she coos. Some heads on the F train turn, but barely. New Yorkers don’t give a damn if you’re muttering to yourself, let alone an insect. An elderly gentleman in a grey peacoat peers at her, rather amused. Pet spider? She lowers the volume on […]

Oct 25, 2015
Coping With Life’s Clutter

It’s here! My just-published e-book, “Coping With Life’s Clutter,” offers a collection of articles on dealing with the stresses of life.You can buy a copy at Spread the word & share the link — I would so much appreciate it!

Oct 22, 2015
Like Water

I recently read that it’s pivotal for writers to stay in the sentence. “Sentences are lonely.” Dangling punctuation and ambiguity is cowardly. It’s a cop-out. Finish the thought, finish the thought. Be uncomfortable. *** But here. Here. Let me write outside the lines. No longer giving such life to the past; to the people and […]

Oct 22, 2015
He’s Not Into Her

I’m not into her, Rach. You need to relax about this. It’s all in your head. We’ve been dating for two years. She shrugs, as if to say, yeah, I guess you’re right, but she still can’t take her eyes off her. Kate is one of those ‘cool girls.’ Shoots shit with the guys. Red […]

Oct 19, 2015