Catapult Alumni | Nonfiction
Imagining the Season

I stepped from the darting dogs and voices of their masters to stop beneath the gnarled fingers intertwining before me: I looked to them absorbing their dancing rhythms as they reached from their sturdy, but tilted trunks for the western light. A path of plush loam wove its way beneath them, and I felt myself […]

Mar 12, 2018
Catapult Alumni | Nonfiction
Another Walk

The air was softer than it had been as I stumbled over the angled stones beneath my feet. I couldn’t scold them because I hold too much respect for the roots gnarling beneath them: they provide life to the decades old trees lining the walk beside the park. I thought the same of the sounds […]

Feb 26, 2018
Catapult Alumni | Nonfiction
I Wasn’t Alone

In the third grade, I wasn’t alone when Mother Superior slapped my face for returning a smile to another student. While standing at the side of her desk, later that day, I wasn’t alone when she asked me to extend my arms towards her, and open my hands turning their palms towards God. No, I […]

Feb 15, 2018