Fiction | Short Story

And Another and Another and Another Glass of Rosé

We’re each of us on our third glass of rosé when the Bachelorette sends home the Last Man of Color.

We’re each of us on our third glass of rosé when the Bachelorette sends home the Last Man of Color. There’s a closeup on his face, all the tears, the snotty crying because he had fallen in love with her, because this was the real deal, and the camera flashes back to the Bachelorette, also a sobbing mess, the wind pulling at her hair, her sparkly dress, like mother nature doesn’t agree with the decision and must express this concern so violently, like the whole thing is about to come crashing down, and then, when the music crescendos, the show cuts to a commercial for Prozac.

He sheheIhim She’shim

The Bachelorette

herI’m falling for you
