Catapult Extra | Writer Spotlight

Writer Spotlight: Brandon Taylor

“I write about love and intimacy because love and intimacy are things that do not come easily to me.”

This is the first installment of Catapult’s latest feature: Writer Spotlight. 

The Catapult team created the Community side of our website to allow writers to showcase their own work, and to break down barriers between writers and editors. As web editorial assistant, I peruse our open platform every day, reading, recommending, and sharing notable works. Writer Spotlight allows us to get to know our Community even more closely.

I found Brandon Taylor quite early on on Community and was immediately pulled into the language and intimacy of his stories. Taylor has since become the Assistant Editor of Electric Literature’s Recommended Reading and was recently accepted into the Tin House Novel Writing Workshop. Besides his artistic pursuits, Brandon is a PhD candidate in Biochemistry at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. I was thankful that he could take some time to answer a couple of questions. 

Morgan Jerkins





Recommended Reading

Recommended Reading

I am working on mostly two projects right now, one fiction and one nonfiction.


Be sure to follow Brandon Taylor on Twitter @brandonrambles.