Catapult Extra | Excerpts

Indie Bookstore Spotlight: Twenty Questions with Housing Works Bookstore’s Molly Rose Quinn

“Buzz shouldn’t be a meritocracy.”

One of the very best things about publishing books is meeting the amazing minds behind independent bookstores all over.  Our next spotlight is with superstar Molly Rose Quinn, the Director of Public Programming at Housing Works Bookstore Cafe, a nonprofit bookstore and event venue that raises money to fight AIDS and homelessness. Her poems appear or are forthcoming in , , , , and many other places. Her interviews and criticism appear in , , , poetry review, and . She is a fiction committee member for the Brooklyn Book Festival and co-organizer of the Moby-Dick Marathon NYC.

Incidentally, Catapult is also hosting the launch of Jane Alison’s with Housing Works next month. Come see us!

The Underground Railroad


#1 Record,

Le Petit Prince.


Two Serious Ladies

The Birds.

Google Docs on Airplanes


Lord of the Flies

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